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HávarðurHávarður is the principal bass of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. After his musical studies in Iceland he went to France for complymentary studies at the Paris Conservatory  with maestro J.M.Rollez.  1986 he graduated with a first price and two years later he finished the postgraduated program at the same school.  1989 - 1995 he  was on contract with  the Royal Flamish Opera Orchestra in Antwerpen.  During that period he continiued his studies at the Royal Conservatory in Antwerp with maestro Etienne Siebens.  Along with this job he teaches at the Reykjavik Conservatory and plays with  CAPUT ensemble and other chamber music ensembles.

Samstarfsaðilar - Affiliates:
menntamalaraduneytid snorrastofa soknaraaetlun_vesturlands


Sígild tónlist í sögulegu umhverfi - Classical Music in Historical Surroundings