Karlakór St. Basil-dómkirkjunnar í Moskvu
Karlakór St. Basil-dómkirkjunnar í Moskvu hefur getið sér gott orð víða um heim. Hann er skipaður atvinnusöngvurum sem allir hafa hlotið æðstu framhaldsmenntun í söng. Kórinn heldur á lofti hinni áhrifamiklu rússnesku karlakórahefð með ógleymanlegum söng sínum. Hann er mörgum að góðu kunnur síðan hann kom fram á Listahátíð 2004 við frábærar undirtektir áheyrenda. Kórinn var bannaður af kommúnistastjórninni frá 1930 fram að 1991 þegar hann kom fram aftur 14. október undir stjórn Sergei Krivobokov. Frá þeim degi hefur kórinn sungið regulega í hinni fögru dómkirkju St. Basil í Moskvu auk þess sem hann tekur þátt í tónlistarhátíðum víða um lönd. Kórinn hefur fengið þá umsögn gagnrýnanda í aðalblaði Moskvu að flutningur hans sé svo magnaður að hverjum manni hljóti að vökna um augu við að hlýða á söng hans. Kórinn flytur m.a. rússnesk þjóðlög, miðaldatónlist og lög eftir rússnesk tónskáld.
Stjórnandi: Sergei Krivobokov
- "The Tzar (King) of Heaven" – Znamenny chant, XVI century.
The prayer is sung before the beginning of any good deal.
- Fragment from the Liturgy of XVII century. Domestic multivoice singing.
Consists of the following pieces: - "Great Litania" - the common prayer to God from all parishioners. - "Trisagion" - early Russian prayer. to Jesus Christ. - "Prokimenon" - early Russian multivoice singing. - “Halleluia” - early Russian multivoice singing.
- "Blessed is the man" – the first psalm of the King David on the tune of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (monastery).
- "Worthily it is", composer Nikolai Golovanov
This selection is sung at the Divine Liturgies
- “Bless the Lord Oh, my Soul”, composer Konstantin Shvedov
The introductory psalm at Night Vespers.
- "Pre - Ethernal Counsil", composer Pavel Chesnokov,
The pre-Christmas psalm.
- "Let My Prayer Arise", composer Pavel Chesnokov.
The prayer from the Great Litany.
- "Blessed is the man", composer Pavel Chesnokov.
Song from All-Night Vespers.
- "My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord", composer A. Frunza.
The Easter song dedicated to Godmother.
- “Save Oh Lord, Your people”, composer Pavel Chesnokov.
The Holiday’s prayer to all Saints.
- "Glory to the Heaven’s God", composer D.Bortnyansky
Spiritual Christmas concert on the text of Christmas stihira (verses).
- "Twelve robbers ", Russian folk song
The song about the head (ataman) of twelve terrible robbers to whom the God has awaken the conscience and brought him to monastery.
- "The horse bell rings monotonously", Russian folk song
The song of horse rider, thinking of the past and future.
- When the fog has fallen down, Russian folk song
The song of stranger, thinking about the way of life.
- The young girl was walking … Russian folk song
The lyric story about young girl walking in a forest and dreaming of beloved.
- “The Snow-Storm is running along the street”, Russian folk song
The love song of young fellow dedicated to the beautiful girl.
- "Hey, Uhnem", Russian folk song.
The hauler’s song from the Volga River.
- "The Evening Bells" (The Wespers), Russian folk song
The song about sorrow thoughts of a man while evening bells are ringing.
- “The Moscow nights”, composer Vasily Soloviov-Sedoy, evergreen.
- "Many Years", traditional Orthodox Church hymn.
The prayer for prolonging the lifetime.